配合政府「新南向政策」,金管會訂定了「獎勵本國銀行加強辦理於新南向政策目標國家授信方案」, 因此不論公股銀行還是民營銀行都積極爭取在這些新興市場開設分行並拓展其業務。在此情景下,結合人工智慧和機器學習創新技術所發展出的新一代智慧型財報分析和授信審查最佳實踐解決方案,讓銀行可以重新思考其授信決策模式。


• 提供客戶/授信經理以自動化和一致的方法簡化其財務資料的收集
• 瞭解市場上授信審查的最佳實踐


• 林诚澧,總監,亞太區授信業務解決方案專家 
• 鍾宛倫,總監,亞太區授信業務解決方案實施團隊

Following the commencement of TRIM in 2016, there are has been a multi phased approach to the ECB’s TRIM exercise. As we are gearing up for a year of further TRIM exercises and transitioning to review of wholesale and low default portfolios, Moody’s would like to host this webinar to provide:

  1. Further insight to the challenges in the market thus far
  2. The common themes across Europe
  3. Remediation and best practice approaches

Following the commencement of TRIM in 2016, there are has been a multi phased approach to the ECB’s TRIM exercise. As we are gearing up for a year of further TRIM exercises and transitioning to review of wholesale and low default portfolios, Moody’s would like to host this webinar to provide:

  1. Further insight to the challenges in the market thus far
  2. The common themes across Europe
  3. Remediation and best practice approaches