
在本次网络研讨会中,穆迪分析的两位专家将与大家一起深入探讨上述问题,并介绍我们最新推出的一个基于云计算和大数据处理技术的分析平台——中国结构化金融门户网站(简称China SF Portal)。



  • 中国资产证券化市场及产品在本次疫情下的表现
  • China SF Portal平台的应用效果展示
  • 压力情景对零售资产的传导机制方案设计

Following the commencement of TRIM in 2016, there are has been a multi phased approach to the ECB’s TRIM exercise. As we are gearing up for a year of further TRIM exercises and transitioning to review of wholesale and low default portfolios, Moody’s would like to host this webinar to provide:

  1. Further insight to the challenges in the market thus far
  2. The common themes across Europe
  3. Remediation and best practice approaches

Following the commencement of TRIM in 2016, there are has been a multi phased approach to the ECB’s TRIM exercise. As we are gearing up for a year of further TRIM exercises and transitioning to review of wholesale and low default portfolios, Moody’s would like to host this webinar to provide:

  1. Further insight to the challenges in the market thus far
  2. The common themes across Europe
  3. Remediation and best practice approaches